NHFG & UNH Seek MilkWeed Pods!


The New Hampshire Fish & Game Department, in conjunction with the UNH Co-operative Extension is seeking the public’s help with Milkweed Pod collections to assist with beneficial pollinators such as the Monarch and Karner blue butterflies.

As trappers (and hunters) will soon be taking to the woods for scouting and pursuing the state’s wildlife resources, the NH Trappers Association is asking our members to collect Milkweed pods when/where possible.

From UNH:

Collecting Milkweed Pods

  • Only collect the pods when they are dry and grey/brown. If the center seam pops with gentle pressure, they can be harvested.

  • Store the pods in paper bags; plastic bags will collect unwanted moisture.

  • Write the date and county collected on the bag.

  • Keep the pods in a cool, dry place until you deliver them to the collection site.

  • Leave some pods (25%) on the plants to also allow for natural dispersal.

UNH has compiled a list of drop off sites for Milkweed pod drop offs. You can also contact your NHTA county director for more information.

Read more: UNH & NHFG Milkweed Pod collection.


2021 Raffle Winners Announced!


Thanks to all who supported our Maine Bear Raffle fundraiser!