Since 1953, the NHTA has promoted wise use and conservation of fur-bearing wildlife and their habitat.

Our Mission.


The members of the New Hampshire Trappers Association, being duly grateful for the rich legacy of wildlife bequeathed by our predecessors, associate ourselves for the following purposes, and in support of the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department's mission, as it exists.

  • We shall promote trapping of wildlife in the State of New Hampshire consistent with the Fish and Game Department's management plans and laws, as they exist.

  • We shall promote sound conservation, legislation, and administrative procedures.

  • We shall save and faithfully defend from waste the natural resources of the State of New Hampshire.

  • We shall promote sound environmental education programs.

  • We shall promote a continued annual fur harvest using the best management tools presently available for that purpose.

We agree to comply and support the membership mission of the New Hampshire Trappers Association.