2025 Legislation Alert: HB 202

2025 Legislative Alert: CALL TO ACTION

The following notice of Legislative alert is posted in conjunction with our friends at the NH Wildlife Federation, to make our members and supporters aware of a potentially harmful bill being heard in the NH House this week:

The NH House Fish and Game Committee Will Hear Legislation on Wednesday 2/12/25, looking to strip the New Hampshire Fish and Game Commission of all its season setting abilities and oversight powers.

House Bill 202, Relative to the Fish and Game Commission

This bill would make the NH Fish and Game Commission an “advisory” body with no oversight function. This would undue nearly 200 years of conservation success in New Hampshire. This bill would also leave your rights to hunt, fish and trap in the controlling hands one political appointee allowing any new administration to end or reduce your ability to hunt, fish and trap without any oversight going forward.

Please join the NHTA and the NHWF in opposing this bill.

We encourage all members and supporters to attend the public hearing on Wednesday. You do not need to speak publicly unless you wish to, but your presence at the hearing and signing the attendance sheet under the “OPPOSED” section will send a direct message to Concord lawmakers that outdoor recreationists and the greater sporting community supports their NHFG Department and Commission as currently structured.

Hearing: Wednesday February 12th

Time: 3:15pm

Place: Legislative Office Building Room 307, Concord NH (parking available in the area)

Please contact your county NHTA Director or the NH Wildlife Federation with any additional questions regarding this disastrous legislation.

If you cannot attend the hearing, you can also sign-in OPPOSED to the bill by following this link: https://gc.nh.gov/house/committees/remotetestimony/default.aspx

*Be sure to mark all required fields and ensure you note “OPPOSED”


Winners of the 2023 NHTA 10-gun Raffle announced!